the girl who saw numbers
a one, a one, two, three, four
what could numbers signify?
what could they perhaps imply?
one, and two, and three and four,
were they spiritual or just impure?
through the night would she debate,
these numbers and what they indicate,
twice a day every day, number plates and the cricket score,
the only constant in her life, there they were - one, anna two, three and four.
and many theories did she hear,
from friends and foes and others dear,
imagination!, coincidence!, perhaps just the lack of sleep,
but she knew it as something more, a connect that went far more deep
and then there came another floating thought,
with the potential of a scarier plot,
a life long gone, a window to the past?
signals and signs, a historical forecast?
uneasy in her daily sleep till a voice did she begin to hear,
twas smooth and composed in tone - this wise credo of her fear,
"bullshit sista!, get a grip will ya dawg,
pickles and chips at night again.. bah! get up and go for a jog!"
"numbers are fiction y'all, they exist only in your head,
why would the spirits waste time on you once they're dead?
and if you must, consider it, a gesture of a gentle nudge,
the universe is troubled my child, we're 'this' close to holding a grudge"
"tighten up your game girl and lay of that chocolate mousse,
i've had it with your laziness! and your broken knee excuse,
O! so pissed am i, for this time its personal strife,
but he's a patient old fool, the Big G, he ordered me to count till five!"
huff and puff this chant continued till she broke down enough to cry,
in her sleep she begged for mercy and promised to give an honest try,
and thus ends happily this sorrow tale, one that shook her very core,
of the girl who saw the numbers - one, anna two, three and four.
what could numbers signify?
what could they perhaps imply?
one, and two, and three and four,
were they spiritual or just impure?
through the night would she debate,
these numbers and what they indicate,
twice a day every day, number plates and the cricket score,
the only constant in her life, there they were - one, anna two, three and four.
and many theories did she hear,
from friends and foes and others dear,
imagination!, coincidence!, perhaps just the lack of sleep,
but she knew it as something more, a connect that went far more deep
and then there came another floating thought,
with the potential of a scarier plot,
a life long gone, a window to the past?
signals and signs, a historical forecast?
uneasy in her daily sleep till a voice did she begin to hear,
twas smooth and composed in tone - this wise credo of her fear,
"bullshit sista!, get a grip will ya dawg,
pickles and chips at night again.. bah! get up and go for a jog!"
"numbers are fiction y'all, they exist only in your head,
why would the spirits waste time on you once they're dead?
and if you must, consider it, a gesture of a gentle nudge,
the universe is troubled my child, we're 'this' close to holding a grudge"
"tighten up your game girl and lay of that chocolate mousse,
i've had it with your laziness! and your broken knee excuse,
O! so pissed am i, for this time its personal strife,
but he's a patient old fool, the Big G, he ordered me to count till five!"
huff and puff this chant continued till she broke down enough to cry,
in her sleep she begged for mercy and promised to give an honest try,
and thus ends happily this sorrow tale, one that shook her very core,
of the girl who saw the numbers - one, anna two, three and four.