Yup. Idle. It's funny how people today have become increasingly secure about expressing their feelings publicly.

So comm'on, the chat was supposed to be a private thing. A one-to-one interaction. Thats probably why the group chat forums are restricted to the 'can I make frandhship with you' and the 'la we d sere pis senor~ pisa del ca' types.
Bringing up the rear, are No4. the ' I'm qute a loser, so i'll just copy-paste' s. Caution: These guys get their hands on anything and everythng. Movie titles, latest book names, cartoon charachters, song lyrics(BK again) even shakespeare's poetry. Steven speilberg with david dhavan. Chacha Chaudhry v/s Spiderman. Even 'break on through' head to head with 'jhalak dikhla ja'...If only morrision wore a cap..sigh... 
Disclaimer: These thoughts are not meant to be personal jibes at anyone.
I'm doing it via this blog. Some do it through websites, user groups and others through orkut, hi-fi and online chats. its the last item on this list where my concern really lies. Not the concept of an 'online chat' persay, but specifically those 'teeny weeny' status messages people leave below their name...

Let me dig a little deeper. Im writing this to really undersatand why people activate a custom message. All credit to the Google geeks, they figured 'Available, Busy and Away' kinda covered everything..But i guess they arn't as smart as theyre made out to definetly dint cover my favourite song, hobby, lifestyle, sexual orientation, emotional state of mind, career goals, performance, phone number, pet, lifestyle, and of course the general mission and vision of my company... Now of all things possible do I really wanna know if you're 'Immagineering at work' (courtesy my pal at L&T) or if your'e 'finally dillusioned' (that's the other at Deloitte) ....
On some deeper thought, yes..deeper thought i've been able to classify these users into some basic categories. This may sound like an analysis..but i've tried my best to keep it simple...
On some deeper thought, yes..deeper thought i've been able to classify these users into some basic categories. This may sound like an analysis..but i've tried my best to keep it simple...
Presenting Yudi's "misusers of the fredom of expression" Hitlist....
Kicking things off, the first are the 'guess what i did's... Easily identified with messages stating exhausitive details of daily activities, proposed vistits or planned expenditures. A coulpe of my favourties are 'Out of India till Feb'07' ( still blinking strongly in June '07).., ' It's an FCD for me!!!', 'Applyied for visa, please pray for me' or even the 'Just ate a heavy lunch, feeling kinda queezy'... But I hadnt seen the best one yet...'Not on orkut till tuesday'... scrap shap for two full days... I'll get the glucose ready...
Ever had a to start a speech or a presentation with a famous 'quote' for impact. Invariably a net search gives you zilch. Well, problem solved. Its now as compact and handy as it can get. A simple click on Gtalk and voila!..No2. the 'i wanna tell you all' 's
Talented mind you, they'll sumarise their life's philosophy into one neat short phrase (except a certain mr.balakrishnan who ensures we read full twenty line paragraphs...) and punch it in for you to see and admire...Famous phrases are their meat.The highway's flooded with the 'To be or not to be's and the 'may the force be with you's.
So this morning 'Life's a bitch' pings me telling me he's pretty messed up and wants to give it all up. I give him my general doze of gyan. "Do something you want bugger, life's not gonna keep waiting, exersise, To hell with the world- think for yourself..blah blah'...By afternoon he's feeling better and deciedes to make sure everyone knows it... 'I am what I am' is what he comes up with... Says he's inspired by the new reebok tagline. And people actually question the authenticity of my business...we're not always conning people..we'll atleast not on thier faces..ahem...

Breaking News!!...Aaj ki taaza khabar. Its here, better than television, clearer than radio, cheaper than the mobile, its on Gtalk. News you can use...
Meet No.3...'Did you know?'
They've taken full responsibilty to inform you about every single development in the world. Mr.'D.J. akeel ka vakeel' and Miss. 'Jhoom barabar jhoom sucks!' are good pals of mine. They update thier statusess on a daily basis...Updated cricket scores,The race for the prez., Nadal v/s Federer, Paris Hilton's stint in the dump, even a daily run-up to the Abhi Ash wedding...
Hutch? Airtel? are you guys listening...theyre millions to be made here.... Its a 'good idea' ? aint it...

This is all i could come up with right now. But im guessing gtalk isnt going anywhere. I might as well learn to live with it. if i do ever give in, ill probably join No.2..'Fry or Die' like our banya community motto.. or perhaps 'Live and let live'...maybe not.. : )

Disclaimer: These thoughts are not meant to be personal jibes at anyone.
None of the 'custom names' mentioned are made up. I've picked up all from my exisitng list on Gtalk.
worst are the ones who are tuned in to FM and gmail at the same time. every 3 minutes, if that's the average time a song lasts for, their status changes. and most of the time it's one himesh afetr the other.
but hte best one was, 'thank god wrinkles don't hurt'
heh heh.. very good dude! there are some poor bastards who give away endings of movies, but i suppose they come under the "Did you know?" Category...
dude.. uve just killed 90% of gtalk users... thanks
ha ha ha ha... love this one.. n guess what we all will still continue to be d same!! :-D
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